Empowering Affirmations: 18 Mantras for Positivity, Confidence & Self-Worth

Jun 1, 2024

In the rush of modern life, it’s easy to feel the need to be more of this or more of that. But what if you’re already perfectly fine? What if you’re incredibly inspiring and whole just as you are?

This affirmation or mantra topic aims to shift the narrative from constant self-improvement to self-acceptance and empowerment. It encourages us to celebrate our uniqueness, trust in our journey, and find joy in the present moment, among other things. By incorporating these gentle reminders into our yoga and self-care practice, we can cultivate a deeper sense of positivity, confidence, and empowerment. With each repetition, these affirmations gradually weave their way into the fabric of our subconscious mind, reinforcing their positive influence on our thoughts and beliefs. Yes, affirmations and mantras truly possess this transformative power. Let’s explore a few of my current favorites:

1. I am present here and now.

2. I am in charge of my own happiness and well-being.

3. I am grateful for all I have in life.

4. I am allowed to take up space.

5. I won’t let one thing affect the rest of my day.

6. My feelings are valid.

7. I choose to use failure as a learning opportunity.

8. I am not defined by my past or my future.

9. I trust my decisions.

10. I am proud of everything I have accomplished.

11. I can do anything I put my mind to.

12. I have so much to give in this world.

13. I carry an open, loving heart.

14. I honor my needs, desires, and boundaries.

15. I release any stress or anxiety that is flowing through my body.

16. I focus on the people in my life who nourish my whole self.

17. I let go of what no longer belongs.

18. I love who I am right here in this moment.


Next time you need support and upliftment, keep in mind these 18 gentle affirmations of self-worth and dedication to continuously believe in and trust yourself. How does it shift your perspective as you move through your day? And is there one in particular that resonates deeply with you and your current state of life? Recall this gentle affirmation whenever you need it.
If you’re curious about how you can incorporate these affirmations into your self-care practice, hop over to our YouTube channel and listen to this meditation: Fuel Your Mind, Body & Soul: 10-Minute Affirmation Meditation for Empowerment & Positivity. Here’s a direct link: